I'm waiting for my new and sooooooooo confortable boots to arrive! I love this boots since ever. I've heard a few people saying that they are so last season, but actually they are still very trendy and a must have, specially during winter.
I already have a pair of short black ones and now I'm waiting for my black weave to arrive (see images bellow).
I'm waiting for my new and sooooooooo confortable boots to arrive! I love this boots since ever. I've heard a few people saying that they are so last season, but actually they are still very trendy and a must have, specially during winter.
I already have a pair of short black ones and now I'm waiting for my black weave to arrive (see images bellow).
Ugg by Whooga UK are the best place to buy it, because the boots are amazing, plus great quality and fast delivery (worldwide).
By the way, they are running an INTERNATIONAL GIVEAWAY on their website, to everyone that signs up to their newsletter, which is linked to on Whooga Homepage. And what can you win, do you guys wonder? Well, they draw boots for the winners at the end of each month, pretty cool hum?!
My readers have also a 10% discount over the next week with the CODE: 663STILETTO
Estou à espera das minhas botas novas, umas Whooga black weave (podem ver nas imagens abaixo). Durante o inverno eu uso imenso este género de botas porque são super confortáveis e aconchegantes.
By the way, they are running an INTERNATIONAL GIVEAWAY on their website, to everyone that signs up to their newsletter, which is linked to on Whooga Homepage. And what can you win, do you guys wonder? Well, they draw boots for the winners at the end of each month, pretty cool hum?!
My readers have also a 10% discount over the next week with the CODE: 663STILETTO
Estou à espera das minhas botas novas, umas Whooga black weave (podem ver nas imagens abaixo). Durante o inverno eu uso imenso este género de botas porque são super confortáveis e aconchegantes.
As Ugg da Whooga UK é um dos melhores sites online (eu recomendo) para comprar, porque as botas são giríssimas, a qualidade fantástica e entregam para todo o lado e super rápido.
De momento estão com um Passatempo Internacional fantástico, para quem assinar a newsletter que se encontra na Homepage. No fim de cada mês os vencedores ganham um par de botas desenhadas a seu gosto, bom hum?!
Os meus leitores também podem usufruir durante a próxima semana, de um desconto de 10% com o CÓDIGO: 663 STILETTO.