.Yesterday I went to another Bloggers meeting and it was really cool. The restaurant is quite nice (we met there for the second time) and the other bloggers are very cool and fashionable (of course).
A few of my friends went with me, because they also love fashion and parties. After dinner we went to bar to party a little!
.Ontem teve lugar o segundo jantar de Bloggers, organizado pela querida Vanessa (pump - fashion diary). Jantámos no restaurante "Rosa da Rua" no Bairro Alto e foi super divertido.
.Ontem teve lugar o segundo jantar de Bloggers, organizado pela querida Vanessa (pump - fashion diary). Jantámos no restaurante "Rosa da Rua" no Bairro Alto e foi super divertido.
Para além dos bloggers, ainda foram ao jantar alguns amigos meus, que adoram moda e acompanhantes de outros bloggers.
Depois do jantar passámos num bar no Bairro, para continuar a festejar!.
Outfit: Coat - Quebramar; Blouse - H&M; Top - H&M; Leather leggings - Zara; Boots - Dr. Martens (with heels); Watch - Casio; Bracelets - Quebramar; Bag - Naf Naf; Nails - Chanel "505 Particulière".
Outfit: Casaco - Quebramar; Blusa - H&M; Top - H&M; Leggings em pele - Zara; Botas - Dr. Martens (com salto); Relógio - Casio; Pulseiras - Quebramar; Mala - Naf Naf; Verniz - Chanel "505 Particulière".
Bellow: Tiago Ferreira, Bárbara (Fashion equals Passion), Marta, Silvana and Fedra Vieira (Styling by Fé)
Bellow: Tiago Ferreira, Bárbara (Fashion equals Passion), Marta, Silvana and Fedra Vieira (Styling by Fé)
Me and António Carvalho E Castro
Cheers everyone!


I just love, love, love my new coat - ADORO o meu casaco novo, é super quentinho e perfeito para os dias de inverno
My "so damn cute" bracelets (Quebramar), all my friends said that they look very much like the ones by Hermès. See? This is a good way to have fashionable bracelets at an affordable price.
I just love, love, love my new coat - ADORO o meu casaco novo, é super quentinho e perfeito para os dias de inverno
My "so damn cute" bracelets (Quebramar), all my friends said that they look very much like the ones by Hermès. See? This is a good way to have fashionable bracelets at an affordable price.
As minhas pulseiras super "cute"da Quebramar. Haha os meus amigos acharam-nas super parecidas com as pulseiras que vimos na festa da Hermès. Ora aqui está uma boa maneira de ter pulseiras giríssimas e muito "fashionable" a um preço bastante acessível.

"been there, done that, I've messed around"...

"papa paparazzi"...


I've got my fur back, yay!

"I'm doing it for a thrill"...

I.h.e.a.r.t y.o.u.b.a.b.e.
Ph. Susana R.
"been there, done that, I've messed around"...
"papa paparazzi"...
I've got my fur back, yay!
"I'm doing it for a thrill"...
I.h.e.a.r.t y.o.u.b.a.b.e.
Ph. Susana R.