Um dia destes um amigo meu mostrou-me um blog de street style que eu ainda não conhecia e pelo qual me apaixonei de imediato, chama-se STREETSFN e é simplesmente fantástico. Convido-vos a espreitar caso não conheçam. Escolhi algumas das minhas fotos preferidas para vos abrir o apetite, espero que gostem!
The other day a friend of mine showed me a pretty cool street style blog, STREETSFN. You should check it out because it totally rocks. I've choosen a few of my favourite photos, enjoy!
My next Facebook relationship
Oooops it's going to burn...
Die bitch DIE... you're so damn perrrrfect!
Probably many of you don't understand why I love these shoes, but they are fucking gorge!
Speaking of gorgeous...
They DO speak Prada
Ok ok you have that bag, and????
There she goes just walking down the street... love you Bryan
She's definitely a bitch, but I totally get her ;)
"I'm soooo cute"
Please stop, no more photos!!!